Is it worth it to get my driver's license on my 16th birthday?

Im really scared to get my drivers license, and my birthday is soon. Should I just wait and then I wont really be let down if I dont get it? Im going

I'm really scared to get my driver's license, and my birthday is soon. Should I just wait and then I won't really be let down if I don't get it? I'm going out of town on my birthday so it's either then or wait 3 days.

or:I'm really scared to get my driver's license, and my birthday is soon. Should I just wait and then I won't really be let down if I don't get it? I'm going out of town on my birthday so it's either then or wait 3 days.

or:i would recommend getting it it really wasn't as awful as everyone says it is. plus you can have more time to practice driving and to be honest it provides you with alot more freedom.
