Define Micro Economics. Shows the use of microeconomics in business decision making?

or:Define Micro Economics. Shows the use of microeconomics in business decision making?or:Microeconomics is the very specific study of a single situa

or:Define Micro Economics. Shows the use of microeconomics in business decision making?

or:Microeconomics is the very specific study of a single situation (as compared to macroeconomics which doesn't care about specifics and doesn't want to know about individuals, just averages and trends for whole populations).Where macroeconomics suggests we all fit a happy average, microeconomics is about making the fit right for one person. Macroeconomics suggests that we all wear size nine shoes and anyone with a different size will just have to suffer badly fitting shoes. Microeconomics measures our individual foot size and gives us (where relevant) a size 9.456374 shoe. Or a size 14.35465 shoe in the case of someone with big feet.
