My dad did something to my laptop?

My dad took my laptop to fix it (his job is fixing things so he knows what hes doing) and he did something to it. Everytime I try to install something

My dad took my laptop to fix it (his job is fixing things so he knows what hes doing) and he did something to it. Everytime I try to install something it says "You need administrator permission" but I'm the only account on my laptop. I've tried everything I can think of. I really want to take it off, but I can't think of how to. Please help me.

or:My dad took my laptop to fix it (his job is fixing things so he knows what hes doing) and he did something to it. Everytime I try to install something it says \"You need administrator permission\" but I'm the only account on my laptop. I've tried everything I can think of. I really want to take it off, but I can't think of how to. Please help me.

or:it sounds like you might have to restore it will go to a different point to restore point what that will do is change from the time earlier to when it had something to go with to before it crashed so it could be in settings to a earlier time before it crashed on you he probably set it where you couldn't do anything because of administrative error all your setting a reset by parenental controls

or:Is it child lock thing?Hope this helped
