Men black diamond earrings or white diamond earrings for men?

men black diamond earrings or white diamond earrings for men?I dont know which one to get. i like regular diamond earrings but i also like the black d

men black diamond earrings or white diamond earrings for men?
I don't know which one to get. i like regular diamond earrings but i also like the black diamond earrings too.

or:men black diamond earrings or white diamond earrings for men?I don't know which one to get. i like regular diamond earrings but i also like the black diamond earrings too.

or:Well I can't tell exactly which earrings are better for men. Because it depends upon body color and face matching effect. However if you wants to show other better your earrings than use white and if don't than choose black. And other important thing is that a small earring is a best for men which are available in stores like
