Give examples of how U.S. culture has spread to other countries around the world. In your examples,?

... have U.S. products been modified, if at all, to suit other cultures. Conversely, give examples of how other countries have influenced U.S. cultur

... have U.S. products been modified, if at all, to suit other cultures. Conversely, give examples of how other countries have influenced U.S. culture

or:... have U.S. products been modified, if at all, to suit other cultures. Conversely, give examples of how other countries have influenced U.S. culture

or:good question,the concept of u.s. culture or freedom or we the people has had a succesful responces around the world,the idea of the people uniting together to fight for the cause of freedom,we the people, for the people.has infulenced many countries to join in the fight for ask have u.s. products been modifyed and i say what u.s. products,the u.s. government has at large not fulfiled its responsibilty to allied nations with the exception of a disaster.the export of u.s. goods is way below standard.why simple because we dont manufacture and export as we should. we rely solely on other counties to support us with industrial good ,thus causing a defict.
