I want to move to Japan and i've come down to either Sapparo or Kanazawa, which is best in your?

... opinion and why? or:... opinion and why?or:Sapporo is way up north, kind of cut off from the real action (i.e. you won't have much chance to see

... opinion and why?

or:... opinion and why?

or:Sapporo is way up north, kind of cut off from the real action (i.e. you won't have much chance to see the rest of Japan), and with tougher weather. I found Kanazawa a little dull, you might be disappointed after a few days. Depends what you're looking for. Everybody loves Kyoto, which can be peaceful as well as having the distinctly modern-Japan aspects to it in the centre. Osaka is very very crazy. Tokyo is expensive but it's Tokyo. Kobe is small and multicultural by Japanese standards. Sounds like you want to \"get away from it all\" though, in which case there are so many choices of small places. Maybe take a holiday there first, if you haven't already.
