Google - Hello.. i've been cough for over 7 weeks. I have checked up blood test, x-ray, all are?

... normal. But i just checked up my stools test this weeks and my gp dr told me that i got the virus in my stomach. He gave me amoxicillin, clarithr

... normal. But i just checked up my stools test this weeks and my gp dr told me that i got the virus in my stomach. He gave me amoxicillin, clarithromycin and lansoprazole which is call triple therapy for h.pylori. There's i want to know is why my cough is couldn't get away and am i coughing because of that virus..? How can i make that cough rid off.. many thanks

or:... normal. But i just checked up my stools test this weeks and my gp dr told me that i got the virus in my stomach. He gave me amoxicillin, clarithromycin and lansoprazole which is call triple therapy for h.pylori. There's i want to know is why my cough is couldn't get away and am i coughing because of that virus..? How can i make that cough rid off.. many thanks

or:normally its a viral infection theses they say can last up to 7 weeks you might have to let it run its course the cough its self can be pretty bad sometimes antibiotics. Don't help but if the antibiotics do help thats a positive note but yea the virus can cause the cough
