What is the best weight loss system, diet, pill, routine; that ACTUALLY works?

Ive been looking everywhere and I cant find anything that for sure works. I need help from others experience or proven facts what works and what doesn

I've been looking everywhere and I can't find anything that for sure works. I need help from others experience or proven facts what works and what doesn't. I don't want to waste money or time in anything that won't work or that will take forever to get results. I want something that works, easy, with some work of course, and get real AMAZING results. I want to lose 80 pounds and want it to work.

or:I've been looking everywhere and I can't find anything that for sure works. I need help from others experience or proven facts what works and what doesn't. I don't want to waste money or time in anything that won't work or that will take forever to get results. I want something that works, easy, with some work of course, and get real AMAZING results. I want to lose 80 pounds and want it to work.

or:Eat fewer calories and/or burn more calories. This works, guaranteed. If you find yourself hungry, then start eating more foods that are lower in calories per amount of food than foods that are higher in calories for the same amount of food. Get enough sleep, because if you don't, your body won't produce enough serotonin, which is your body's appetite suppressant.Unrelated, but good for everyone's health: drink enough water (but avoid fluoridated water), don't drink diet drinks, avoid processed meats, especially those with sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite, eat organic when possible, especially for the riskiest foods like berries (lists of such foods are all over the 'net). Remember to smile, be positive, and breathe.

or:The first thing you should do is replace your drinks with water and crystal light that helps ALLOT. Then do mild exercise during the week like....walkinrtesg in the park for starters. But if you want to lose it FAST then I recommend the medi diet system. But the first thing I stated is the best thing to do for health in general.

or:Myself and my friend tried \"The 17 Day Diet\". For me, it helped me break a very bad habit of skipping breakfast and lunch (which was keeping me from losing weight) and for him, it helped him eat foods that were healthy for him and got him more away from the soft drinks and junk food.
