What is a good thesis satement on "Effects of alcohol on the human brain"?

trying to get some help on writing a research paper due tomorrow. or:trying to get some help on writing a research paper due tomorrow.or:Your school h

trying to get some help on writing a research paper due tomorrow.

or:trying to get some help on writing a research paper due tomorrow.

or:Your school has totally flunked the job of teaching you how to study. You do not start your research the night before the paper is due, you start it the day after it is assigned.

or:Do you still need the help with your writing research paper? I found quite many links about the information you need. People who drink massive quantities of alcohol suffer brain shrinkage and cognitive dysfunction as a result. However, the good news is that if these heavy drinkers do not have thiamine-related brain damage or liver-related brain damage then this cognitive dysfunction and brain shrinkage is almost entirely reversible with a change from heavy drinking to reduced drinking or alcohol abstinence. That is only one paragraph I copied and pasted here. And by the way, if it is already late to help you with that, i may tell you where you may go the next time you are in such trouble. Check, please, or bookmark Marvelous essay site. They help me a lot!
