I have really small hands and cant reach <CTRL> <ALT> <DEL> to unlock my computer?

most keyboard shortcuts are only 2 keys, like something or something. I like that because its 1 key per hand. why do they make it so hard

most keyboard shortcuts are only 2 keys, like something or something. I like that because it's 1 key per hand. why do they make it so hard for someone with small hands?

or:most keyboard shortcuts are only 2 keys, like something or something. I like that because it's 1 key per hand. why do they make it so hard for someone with small hands?

or:There are small laptops.

or:Why? So you wouldn't reset the computer by accident, that's why. Ctrl and Alt are only two inches apart on the left side and three inches on the right side so you press those with one hand and Del with the other. If you really want a one handed reset you can glue three pencils together, but it's hardly worth that much effort.Are you still using Dos? In Windows you can get into Task Manager with Ctrl-Shift-Esc which you can do with one hand.

or:I've given this a lot of thought, and I don't understand why your right hand can't help you out in this matter. I wonder if maybe you're overburdening yourself to expect that your right hand has to keep working on something else while your other hand is left alone to the task of unlocking? Or maybe the problem is that your right hand is lazy? Whatever it may be, I suggest re-examining the utilization of your right hand. Is it really being utilized to it's full potential? Are you limiting its opportunity? Think about it.
