How do I make sure spyware is undetectable on a phone and computer? No judgement. I need help?

My partner has been very emotionally and verbally abusive over the years. They have also lied a great deal. I ought to call it off but we are still tr

My partner has been very emotionally and verbally abusive over the years. They have also lied a great deal. I ought to call it off but we are still trying to make it work. Only thing is, I need to know if I can trust this person now that they are claiming things will be different. Please help. I want to know to let go of the past so that we can have a future or I want to know its time to let go of them so I can move on and begin to heal. Please dont judge, you don't what it's been like. I appreciate your help.

or:My partner has been very emotionally and verbally abusive over the years. They have also lied a great deal. I ought to call it off but we are still trying to make it work. Only thing is, I need to know if I can trust this person now that they are claiming things will be different. Please help. I want to know to let go of the past so that we can have a future or I want to know its time to let go of them so I can move on and begin to heal. Please dont judge, you don't what it's been like. I appreciate your help.

or:Spyware is software that is installed in a computer system without the consent or knowledge of the user. It is installed to gather personal information of the user in order to modify, delete or edit it. The main purpose of spyware is to track the users\u2019 internet movement and serve up pop-up ads to Internet users. It is usually installed when a user installs free software which he requires. If you wish to know more about spyware or different types of viruses, kindly click on
