Christianity - witch religion is true?

well think about it all other religions ask for objecs or sacrafises when all god ask for is your love and to belive in him and he does not want your

well think about it all other religions ask for objecs or sacrafises when all god ask for is your love and to belive in him and he does not want your personality to change eather and its really your choice on a religion you belive not ours I'm just trying to help

or:well think about it all other religions ask for objecs or sacrafises when all god ask for is your love and to belive in him and he does not want your personality to change eather and its really your choice on a religion you belive not ours I'm just trying to help

or:i cant tell you what to believe in, im not christian but at the end of the day we all believe in the same god, the one who has created us all, we just give him different names :)

or:First you need to know that religion is made up by men telling each other what to do, and God does not think much of man's silly notions. So it's pointless to ask which religion is true. All religions are bogus. Christianity is not a religion. Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.Nothing there about sacrifice, repentance, giving money, going to church, sinners, water baptism, ... Nothing. You either believe and are saved or you don't believe and are lost. Read a chapter of Proverbs every day. Proverbs has 31 chapters so you can keep your place by just looking at a calendar. There is no religion or nothing in Proverbs and you don't have to believe anything. Just read every day. When you are comfortable with that, then read the bible from Romans to 2 Thessalonians over and over until you start to remember what it says. That is the part that applies to Christians.

or:How can you know the right way to worship God? There are so many different religions you can become confused. However, you do not have to study and compare the teachings of all the many religions. You only need learn what the Bible really teaches about true worship. To illustrate: In many lands, there is a problem with counterfeit money. If you were given the job of picking out such false money, how would you go about it? By memorizing every kind of counterfeit? No. Your time would be better spent if you studied real money. After you knew what real money looked like, you could recognize a counterfeit. Similarly, when we learn how to identify the true religion, we can recognize those religions that are false.I suggest you look up www.

or:This is the essence of Christianity: (Matthew 22:37-39) He said to him: \u201c\u2018You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.\u2019 38\u202fThis is the greatest and first commandment. 39\u202fThe second, like it, is this: \u2018You must love your neighbor as yourself.\u2019This is the love that Christ displayed; his followers put this into practice along with Bible principles that guides their actions throughout their daily lives; it is this type of love that transforms a beast-like personality into one of a lamb and enables that person to live in a way that is pleasing to God.

or:That's a good question. Notice some marks of the true religion:1. God\u2019s servants base their teachings on the Bible. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17) 2. Those who practice the true religion worship only Jehovah and make his name known (Matthew 4:10; Psalm 83:18)3. God\u2019s people show genuine, unselfish love for one another. (John 13:35)4. True Christians accept Jesus Christ as God\u2019s means of salvation. (Acts 14:12)5. True worshipers are no part of the world. (John 18:36)6. Jesus\u2019 true followers preach that God\u2019s Kingdom is mankind\u2019s only hope. (Matthew 24:14)I hope this helps!

or:Believing in God is one thing. Serving or worshipping him in the manner he approves is a different thing. Is it reasonable that he would accept people believing that he is a cruel god that tortures people eternally and that some think he is loving and would do no such thing. Is it reasonable to think God did not create us, while some insist that evolution is how we came about? Is it reasonable to think some can think God is the Father and Jesus is the son, while others think God and the Son are the same person.The question is which is true? An examination of the bible is the only way to answer these and many more questions. Does he want your personality to change? Does he approve of harsh, tactless abusive speech and conduct? One scripture speaks directly to the aspect of personality. What he wants from us..Collosians 3:5-10. Tell me what you think about that scripture. When reasoning on that one scripture alone, you come to think and feel that all God requires of us is just to believe in him we and can do and worship him the way we want? If you would like to examine what the bible really teach, please go to or speak to any Jehovah's witness you come across.

or:Where religions are concern, there are so many interpretations how we should worship God. To illustrate if you are thirsty nothing quenceses that thirst unless you have that satisfying drink. In a similar way when you find the true religion it automatically satisfies your curiosity about which religion is true. But no need to go looking and indulging in different religions to satisfy your curiosity. The bible gives requirements that identifies the true religion and who today are worshippers of the one and only true God. Let's take a look at some requirements that identify the true religion :1) John 17:3, \" This means everlasting life,their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.\"The scripture clearly shows that to be in the only true religion means taking in knowledge of both God and his son Jesus Christ . Jehovah's witnesses are the only true religion that's going to people and teaching them the commands from God.2) 1John 4/8 says, \" God is love.\" Like their God, the identifying mark of a true Christian is love. A true Christian shows love to all at all times, despite their background, race, culture,skin color, language, financial status,and so on. Jehovah Witnesses wear the identifying mark of love on their foreheads. They sacrifice their time, energy and finances to help people come into a close relationship with the true God and benefit from his tender love.3) A true Christian is identify by their works. Matthew 28:19/20 says, \"Go therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you.\"Who are carrying out this work on the earth today? From my observation and many researching, only Jehovah Witnesses are the ones carrying out this command, teaching people about God's commands. 4) Psalm 83:18 says, \"May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth.\" This scripture shows God wants people to identify him by his name. Just to illustrate, you have a name, I have a name every one we know have a name, even animals have a name,is it not logical that the one who created everyone and everything have a name also? Which religion teaches that God's name is Jehovah ? Only Jehovah's witnesses are teaching and proclaiming God's name is Jehovah, to everyone far and wide.The information above is only a few facts from God's word the bible to identify the only true religion on the earth today. If you need more information on this topic or have other questions please contact me, or go to
