What is God's job in the Bible, in life, as opposed to religion?

What is his main job? or:What is his main job?or:The name Jehovah is understood to mean \u201cHe Causes to Become.\u201d This definition well fits Jeh

What is his main job?

or:What is his main job?

or:The name Jehovah is understood to mean \u201cHe Causes to Become.\u201d This definition well fits Jehovah\u2019s role both as the Creator of the physical universe and intelligent beings and as the Fulfiller of his purpose. As events unfold, he continues to cause his will and purpose to be realized no matter what any opposer, such as Satan, may do in an attempt to thwart the progressive outworking of God\u2019s will.

or:I am not sure what you mean by \"job\" but, Jehovah God is our Father (Romans 1:7). He created us (Revelation 4:11). He had the Bible written for the main purpose of helping us gain everlasting life (Isaiah 48:17, 18; John 17:3; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17).
