PS3 Internet is very slow!!!! (wireless)?

Hey guys,Ive been playing online games on ps3 without any lag issues, but one day my ps3s internet got extremely slow for some reason. there are no pr

Hey guys,
I've been playing online games on ps3 without any lag issues, but one day my ps3's internet got extremely slow for some reason. there are no problems with my telephone and laptop but it's impossible to play online on ps3 because of lags. how can i fix this problem, do you have any suggestions? i'd appreciate any help, thanks :)

or:Hey guys,I've been playing online games on ps3 without any lag issues, but one day my ps3's internet got extremely slow for some reason. there are no problems with my telephone and laptop but it's impossible to play online on ps3 because of lags. how can i fix this problem, do you have any suggestions? i'd appreciate any help, thanks :)

or:you could get a pc utilities app where you can safely delete data from your ps3 it would be utilities tune up utilities its really good program as far as getting rid of things you don't need and free up memory and increase your memory you have to free up some resources it could be to that alot of people were online when you were using your ps3 this will cause your resources to be decreased sometimes that happens with laptops to
