Powers of Canadian police to search persons?

In Canada, police may search someone if they "suspect" that the person may have an illegal weapon or if they "suspect" that someone has drugs, or they

In Canada, police may search someone if they "suspect" that the person may have an illegal weapon or if they "suspect" that someone has drugs, or they "suspect" that someone in a car has alcohol on them; what burden of proof do the police need in these circumstances? Ie: What is stopping police from just saying, "I suspect that everyone I meet has an illegal weapon, therefore, I have the right to search anyone without a warrant"

or:In Canada, police may search someone if they \"suspect\" that the person may have an illegal weapon or if they \"suspect\" that someone has drugs, or they \"suspect\" that someone in a car has alcohol on them; what burden of proof do the police need in these circumstances? Ie: What is stopping police from just saying, \"I suspect that everyone I meet has an illegal weapon, therefore, I have the right to search anyone without a warrant\"
