What is the benefit of cord blood banking?

or:What is the benefit of cord blood banking?or:Cord blood, which contains powerful stem cells, comes from a newborn\u2019s umbilical cord and is col

or:What is the benefit of cord blood banking?

or:Cord blood, which contains powerful stem cells, comes from a newborn\u2019s umbilical cord and is collected immediately after birth. Once the umbilical cord has been clamped and cut, the remaining blood in the umbilical cord is drawn into a collection bag. What makes cord blood cells different? Cord blood stem cells are biologically younger and are more flexible compared to adult stem cells from other sources like bone marrow. When saved, they have unique qualities and advantages:Less risk of complications when used in transplants39Ability to use one\u2019s own stem cells for conditions that currently lack medical treatment options, also known as \u201cautologous transplantation\u201dImmediately available and can minimize disease progression in early treatment40Preserving them \"stops the clock\" and protects the cells from aging and being exposed to environmental factors and common viruses that can decrease their function41Comparison of Stem Cell Sources\tNewborn\tAdult\tEmbryonicAbility to differentiate into various cell types\t\u2713\t\u2713\t\u2713High proliferation capacity\t\u2713\t \t\u2713Low risk of tumor formation\t\u2713\t\u2713\t Low risk of viral contamination\t\u2713\t \t\u2713Capacity for autologous transplantation\t\u2713\t\u2713\t Established/proven treatment in human patients\t\u2713\t\u2713\t Stem cells can heal the body, promote recovery, and offer an enormous amount of therapeutic potential. Learn about families who have used their stem cells here.
