How can you enhance the nutritive value of food withour affecting the ecnomy?

or:How can you enhance the nutritive value of food withour affecting the ecnomy?or:The first half of your question has no relation to the second half

or:How can you enhance the nutritive value of food withour affecting the ecnomy?

or:The first half of your question has no relation to the second half.Did you buy something today? Let's suppose you bought a pencil. Did you look for a certain brand or a certain color or did you buy the one displayed nearest the checkout? Every time you buy something you cast a vote, and lots of people count those votes very carefully. All the decisions made in some area make up the economy of that area, measured in money for convenience. You could measure food consumption or air breathed and call that an economy, and sometimes people do that.So your question suggests that you do something and absolutely nobody makes a decision to buy it. That is just wacko. Think of something else.
