Can a wifi amplifier cause diseases?

Does a wifi amplifier have harmful radiations? or:Does a wifi amplifier have harmful radiations?or:No, and neither do microwaves... both those energy

Does a wifi amplifier have harmful radiations?

or:Does a wifi amplifier have harmful radiations?

or:No, and neither do microwaves... both those energy sources are radio-wave technology. Now that may make you wonder more about other radio-waves like what you listen to in your car or what makes your cellphone work... and there is some information that suggests that this may be harmful to some degree. However you cannot get rid of radio-waves by getting rid of the receivers... only the transmitters (and some things such as microwaves and remotes are transmitters, so I guess you could limit your transmitters if you really wanted). But the general consensus is that we are not going to be able to avoid radio-waves completely anyhow so why not enjoy them for what they offer us. Besides the bottom-line is that really it all comes down to the frequency as to whether it is going to cook something to death or travel (relatively) harmlessly through the air or space.That being said now you know fact from fiction, and now the next step is making up your own mind to what extent you wish to apply that knowledge... :)
