Computer game not connecting to internet when my internet is connected?

Ive recently tried getting onto my Elsword account and it said that it is not connected to the internet. This hasnt happened before, and I am not all

I've recently tried getting onto my Elsword account and it said that it is not connected to the internet. This hasn't happened before, and I am not all that smart when it comes to stuff like this. I would appreciate some help. Thank you.

or:I've recently tried getting onto my Elsword account and it said that it is not connected to the internet. This hasn't happened before, and I am not all that smart when it comes to stuff like this. I would appreciate some help. Thank you.

or:Do you have a blocking system?if so then it could be blocking your connection to the internetor check your elswood settingsif none of these work then its best to contact yuor admin/forum to see if this has happened to other users before and how to fix it.
