Can I call the police to be on the premises while my adult daughter grabs her stuff from my house?

She has been bringing issues into the house and tormenting everyone living here. She took off and moved out before I told her she had to get out. She

She has been bringing issues into the house and tormenting everyone living here. She took off and moved out before I told her she had to get out. She told me that she would come get her stuff tomorrow no questions asked. I told her she had a time frame to pick it up so she wouldn't be there when her younger siblings were out of school. I'm afraid there will be a fight. What do I do?

or:She has been bringing issues into the house and tormenting everyone living here. She took off and moved out before I told her she had to get out. She told me that she would come get her stuff tomorrow no questions asked. I told her she had a time frame to pick it up so she wouldn't be there when her younger siblings were out of school. I'm afraid there will be a fight. What do I do?

or:No. That's a waste of police resources.
