Can mold get into closed items?

Can mold get into food or drink items that have never been opened. Also i have a bottle of mouthwash that contains alcohol the expiration date is july

Can mold get into food or drink items that have never been opened. Also i have a bottle of mouthwash that contains alcohol the expiration date is july 2019 and it has never been opened, however there is a really small particle inside the bottle. I believe that it is some kind of fungus (mold). Maybe one similar to candida which can change its form when it comes in contact with stressors in its environment.

or:Can mold get into food or drink items that have never been opened. Also i have a bottle of mouthwash that contains alcohol the expiration date is july 2019 and it has never been opened, however there is a really small particle inside the bottle. I believe that it is some kind of fungus (mold). Maybe one similar to candida which can change its form when it comes in contact with stressors in its environment.

or:You really, really need to read a book now and then. You know, like when you're in a waiting room and there are magazines available. There are some things that are so well known that people just assume you know them.Mold can get into a bottle or can before it's sealed. That's why people caution you to throw a can away if the ends swell. But other than that, mold can not enter a sealed container.Mold can not live in alcohol. Yeast can live in alcohol up to 10% strength: that is how beer and wine get made. A particle found in mouthwash is almost certainly a bit of the plastic seal off the lid. Spit it out and get on with your life.
