What should I do for sharing internet with same speed?

What should I do for sharing internet with same speed?i have internet at home.and my internet speed 16 Mbps. i want to share my internet to my second

What should I do for sharing internet with same speed?
i have internet at home.and my internet speed 16 Mbps. i want to share my internet to my second home which is 400m far from my first home.

what should i do for sharing internet (with same speed) ?

or:What should I do for sharing internet with same speed?i have internet at home.and my internet speed 16 Mbps. i want to share my internet to my second home which is 400m far from my first home.what should i do for sharing internet (with same speed) ?

or:A wi-fi link can cover that distance at high speed by using a special antenna. www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&q=wi-fi+antenna+booster en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wi-Fi
