I want a job in bomb warfare, domestic terrorism, anything. What should I look up for a job?

I love chemistry, but i love blowing things up more. I would love to see a job(s) that I should look into. Please say requirements needed. links preff

I love chemistry, but i love blowing things up more. I would love to see a job(s) that I should look into. Please say requirements needed. links preffered.

or:I love chemistry, but i love blowing things up more. I would love to see a job(s) that I should look into. Please say requirements needed. links preffered.

or:Just join the army...

or:A love for chemistry is a welcoming response for everyone. However, you got to have hit up those high marks as possible to do all these things. TV shows we see people blow up things involves a degree and a full mind of science to observe what has happened. Likely, if applying into this field, they will definitely put you through a test of what you know about explosives. Staying in the lab at school doing experiments is a good thing to put on your resume.

or:you got to go to the air force u can fly the drones and blow stuff up with the it would be sporadic
