Ok, so I'm used to ms paint, but now I need vector editor for my recent project. Any ideas?

From the time I bought my new computer and got the new pait, I came to appreciete its various tools and the old simplicity. You see, Ive tried Inkscap

From the time I bought my new computer and got the new pait, I came to appreciete it's various tools and the old simplicity. You see, I've tried Inkscape, but I couldn't draw a single picture in it. Really, the curve tool was much simpler to use in MS Paint then in Inkscape. Not mentioning many other drawing tools it doesn't have. It may be good app, but not for my use. What I want is basically MS paint, that would work in vector graphics and ideally would have transparent background. Do you know of anything like that? Free apps are preferred, of course.

or:From the time I bought my new computer and got the new pait, I came to appreciete it's various tools and the old simplicity. You see, I've tried Inkscape, but I couldn't draw a single picture in it. Really, the curve tool was much simpler to use in MS Paint then in Inkscape. Not mentioning many other drawing tools it doesn't have. It may be good app, but not for my use. What I want is basically MS paint, that would work in vector graphics and ideally would have transparent background. Do you know of anything like that? Free apps are preferred, of course.

or:GIMP is a free image creation and editing software you can use.
