I need help with a dog whining non stop when not in her kennel?

I just got a 10 month old Siberian Husky and the dog only wants to be inside the house in a kennel. When I try to leave her outside she whines and wan

I just got a 10 month old Siberian Husky and the dog only wants to be inside the house in a kennel. When I try to leave her outside she whines and wants in. When I'm outside with her she's fine. But she always runs to the back door to go inside and is just content to stay in her kennel all day and only go outside for the bathroom. I want to be able to leave her outside for a few hours during the day when I'm home but she whines. I've enclosed her in a larger outside kennel hoping that would give her comfort but she just tries to lift the heavy metal kennel with her mouth to try to get out. I've tried to tie her out and she chews through the rope. I've tried a chain and she just pulls and stares at the back door and whines non stop. I've tried to use commands for her to stop but it doesn't work. She is fully content to stay in a kennel. When I bring her inside she just goes into her kennel and lays down and is quiet. I would like to know what I can do to stop this behavior. I want to be able to leave her outside like my other dog and just bring her in after she spends some time outside. Any help would be appreciated.

or:I just got a 10 month old Siberian Husky and the dog only wants to be inside the house in a kennel. When I try to leave her outside she whines and wants in. When I'm outside with her she's fine. But she always runs to the back door to go inside and is just content to stay in her kennel all day and only go outside for the bathroom. I want to be able to leave her outside for a few hours during the day when I'm home but she whines. I've enclosed her in a larger outside kennel hoping that would give her comfort but she just tries to lift the heavy metal kennel with her mouth to try to get out. I've tried to tie her out and she chews through the rope. I've tried a chain and she just pulls and stares at the back door and whines non stop. I've tried to use commands for her to stop but it doesn't work. She is fully content to stay in a kennel. When I bring her inside she just goes into her kennel and lays down and is quiet. I would like to know what I can do to stop this behavior. I want to be able to leave her outside like my other dog and just bring her in after she spends some time outside. Any help would be appreciated.

or:Hi Gina!In order to get your dog to like being outside you need to make it a pleasant, nice and safe place for her. I'm assuming that your pup is with you since a couple of days or maybe weeks ago. She finds her crate safe, and she feels comfortable inside because the whole new world outside in your garden might be a bit overwhelming for her. She's still a pup, and needs a lot of attention. She also might be suffering from an early form of separation anxiety (if she's ok when outside with you but she wants to get back in as soon as you go back it might be a sign of separation anxiety). Just give her time to adjust, let her explore the garden with you. Leave some toys in the garden for her. Also giving her commands when she doesn't really know the meaning of them will not help. Try teaching her that being out on her own is fine, make it a pleasant experience. Remember to keep it safe and positive and never force your dog to do anything against their will - if she's scared and you chain her up it will only make things worse.
