YouTube CTR Going Down? Anyone Else Having This Problem?

Starting this Monday, my daily CTR has dropped from about 3.2% to 0.36%. Is anyone else having this problem? Does anyone know how to increase CTR on Y

Starting this Monday, my daily CTR has dropped from about 3.2% to 0.36%. Is anyone else having this problem? Does anyone know how to increase CTR on YouTube? Cause it kinda sucks having my earnings drop by 900%... Could it be because I placed an annotation on the bottom of the video saying to subscribe and people looked there when an ad popped up and had more of a tendency to click on it? Or what? Because a few days after I stopped doing that it dropped. By it just doesn't sound right to me...

or:Starting this Monday, my daily CTR has dropped from about 3.2% to 0.36%. Is anyone else having this problem? Does anyone know how to increase CTR on YouTube? Cause it kinda sucks having my earnings drop by 900%... Could it be because I placed an annotation on the bottom of the video saying to subscribe and people looked there when an ad popped up and had more of a tendency to click on it? Or what? Because a few days after I stopped doing that it dropped. By it just doesn't sound right to me...

or:I'm having the save issue. CTR is down to about 1%, was about 5%. The number of unmatched ads went up to about 90%, and my Youtube rank spot changed. I've had over a 900,000 hits on one video in 8 months, more than 10,000 Youtube hits a daily now, and I'm only making 2 - 3 dollars a day after the updates. Google seriously wants me to make videos for that kind of income? Not happening.Anyway, you're definitely not the only one. Google has done some updates and as usual, has ruined adsense income, and any faith I had left. I now make less than I did over a year ago, but my traffic has increased about 20 times. MAKES SENSE! Worst part, Google doesn't care that 70% of users are affected right now.My advice, wait it out. Every time this happens, income goes back up after a month or two. Going to be a bad Christmas I guess.
