Do you think people would read a book where evil wins?

in almost every book i read good always wins curiouse if people would read a book where evil wins? want to write a book just trying to be creative. or

in almost every book i read good always wins curiouse if people would read a book where evil wins? want to write a book just trying to be creative.

or:in almost every book i read good always wins curiouse if people would read a book where evil wins? want to write a book just trying to be creative.

or:actually yes. alot of \"stephen king's\" books end that way. have you read the \"pet cemetery\"? i didn't read the book but i did see the movie. i'm not a fan of \"stephen king\" but some of his stories do end that way. i think some of the \"goose bumps\" stories end that way to.

or:i think if those people have an experimental taste like you when it comes to reading they will and many has do have that many of books right now welcome those evil character and even love those character just that it should be great character

or:Yes. I would go for it. Its like the movie \"The Mist\" based on the Stephen King book. The end was so messed up that it makes you think though. It made me sooo mad that even though I saw the movie years ago I still talk about it. So if you can do something that makes people look at it and get so... worked up, that they'll remember and talk about it for years afterward, then you know what you're doing. Also the movie \"Ahh Zombies\". It's shot from the zombie's point of view. It's in black and white though. Otherwise quite sensational. Haha
