Create a website with youtube view count updated automatically?

GreetingsHere is what Im looking to create.A Website that gives me the update on a youtube videos view count. So basically someone would click on the


Here is what Im looking to create.

A Website that gives me the update on a youtube videos view count. So basically someone would click on the website and see the number of views a video has similar to a hit count for a website. *Note* I dont want to see the Youtube video or anything Youtube related I just want to see the number of views updated everytime I click the website. This would replace me manully updating the number.

Is this type of algorithm possible? Does it require a bot? I need to know before I can take this project any further.

or:GreetingsHere is what Im looking to create.A Website that gives me the update on a youtube videos view count. So basically someone would click on the website and see the number of views a video has similar to a hit count for a website. *Note* I dont want to see the Youtube video or anything Youtube related I just want to see the number of views updated everytime I click the website. This would replace me manully updating the number.Is this type of algorithm possible? Does it require a bot? I need to know before I can take this project any further.

or:That's easy. But you have to know how to program if you don't then my answer won't make much sense, but you can ask me to write it for you.First set up the website to display the print of external programs then using Python's http module use the pull/call function this will pull what ever attribute you set it to then embed this output to your website page. I used a similar system when I wrote a program that checks my grades. It detects changes in the grades attrattribute and emails me about the change. (Getting it to send automated emails was a nightmare) Also check out {best place on the web}
