Food - How can I lower the acidity of rice vinegar, for use in making pickles?

Rice vinegar is usually 4.2% acidity, I need it to be at least 5% acidity. I need to know proportions of both rice vinegar, and what I need to add to

Rice vinegar is usually 4.2% acidity, I need it to be at least 5% acidity. I need to know proportions of both rice vinegar, and what I need to add to it, to lower the PH. I thought, I could add lemon juice, but even if that is true, I still don't know how much.

or:Rice vinegar is usually 4.2% acidity, I need it to be at least 5% acidity. I need to know proportions of both rice vinegar, and what I need to add to it, to lower the PH. I thought, I could add lemon juice, but even if that is true, I still don't know how much.
