In minecraft only half of my coordinates show, how can I make the yzx and all those other ones show?

half dose show the half top but it dosent help me in anything so i need to figure out how to make the rest of my coordinates show when i press F3 or:h

half dose show the half top but it dosen't help me in anything so i need to figure out how to make the rest of my coordinates show when i press F3

or:half dose show the half top but it dosen't help me in anything so i need to figure out how to make the rest of my coordinates show when i press F3

or:If you have a mac, you hold fn (function) and then press F5. It should bring up a crazy menu. Somewhere in the middle of the left it says __/__/__. (x/y/z) If you don't have a mac, (windows etc.) you're out of luck from me. (maybe you can't?)
