My friend has an abusive brother?

My friend who lives 1,000 miles away from me has an abusive brother who lives with him. I think this guy is seriously capable of murder. What do I do!

My friend who lives 1,000 miles away from me has an abusive brother who lives with him. I think this guy is seriously capable of murder. What do I do!? I'm really worried about my friend and I don't want this guy to be around him anymore.

or:My friend who lives 1,000 miles away from me has an abusive brother who lives with him. I think this guy is seriously capable of murder. What do I do!? I'm really worried about my friend and I don't want this guy to be around him anymore.

or:Pay close attention, and when you notice things taking a dramatic dangerous turn, get authorities, police, whoever you believe can physically stop it. Try to get your friend away from his brother as often as possible. Talk to your parents about it, they should be able to suggest ideas that can effectively help. Invite him out to do something with you to occupy his day instead of being left home. You can only do so much, and pass the rest onto others. Just make sure others who have more power are aware of what is happening before it's too late.

or:Report him. Report the guy who's abusive. Having your friend live with an abusive brother will seriously put you in danger too.
