The question is about shopliftimg?

If an adult steals from store security follows them outside. They throw the item back and flee the scene but they got their license plate will they is

If an adult steals from store security follows them outside. They throw the item back and flee the scene but they got their license plate will they issue a warrant. The item was worth$30.

or:If an adult steals from store security follows them outside. They throw the item back and flee the scene but they got their license plate will they issue a warrant. The item was worth$30.

or:Depending on how the store wants to treat it then yes, yes they can.

or:if you stole something it doesn't matter what you do. You still stole the item. They have the right to either press charges, ban you from their store or have you work for them to pay off the $30 item you stole. The most common way stores handle this is by banning you from their store or by pressing charges. If this is your first time, they might forgive you and let you come back to shop at their location. But usually they will ban you from their store if this is the first time, the other option is pressing charges, but they would rather just tell you to not come back if its a first time and no violence was it was you who stole, or someone else who stole the item, let this be a reminder and wake up call, to never steal again. Next time you may not get off the hook so easily.
