Suppose two regional sales reps share responsibility for sending weekly updates to their manager. B?

Suppose two regional sales reps share responsibility for sending weekly updates to their manager. Brad always submits them on time, but Frank often tu

Suppose two regional sales reps share responsibility for sending weekly updates to their manager. Brad always submits them on time, but Frank often turns them in late. Saying, Frank, youve turned in the sales reports late again would only put Frank on the defensive. Instead, Brad opens the conversation this way: Frank, you and I place a different value on deadlines. I want to explain why meeting them is important to me, and then Id like to hear your take on them. Brad learns that Frank, when faced with the choice of possibly making a sale or compiling the report, thinks he should focus on the sale. With this insight, Brad proposes another way to share responsibilities: Brad will complete the report when its Franks turn to do so, as long as Frank gives Brad two hours notice and a share in any commission Frank earns as a result of being able to continue pursuing a lead. What are your favorite conflict management methods?

or:Suppose two regional sales reps share responsibility for sending weekly updates to their manager. Brad always submits them on time, but Frank often turns them in late. Saying, Frank, youve turned in the sales reports late again would only put Frank on the defensive. Instead, Brad opens the conversation this way: Frank, you and I place a different value on deadlines. I want to explain why meeting them is important to me, and then Id like to hear your take on them. Brad learns that Frank, when faced with the choice of possibly making a sale or compiling the report, thinks he should focus on the sale. With this insight, Brad proposes another way to share responsibilities: Brad will complete the report when its Franks turn to do so, as long as Frank gives Brad two hours notice and a share in any commission Frank earns as a result of being able to continue pursuing a lead. What are your favorite conflict management methods?

or:That's about as juvenile as it can get and Brad is doing nothing more than Frank's homework for him as long as he gets paid to do so. They might as well be in high school.They are equal in job title and responsibility. They should divide the update. Each one does their share and the two parts put together create one complete update. If one of them fails to provide his half the error falls on his shoulders and management then knows who to go after about deadlines and responsibility. Either that or they take turns every week or every two weeks making one or the other responsible for the update report. They notify mgmt that they have divided the responsibility and give them the calender for who is responsible for the next quarter so mgmt knows who to contact if the report is late or there are questions.
