Marks/symbols appearing on skin after astral projection?

This morning, i astral projected. After coming back to full body awareness, i had a hot shower. I dried myself off and then laid down on my bed.. I no

This morning, i astral projected. After coming back to full body awareness, i had a hot shower. I dried myself off and then laid down on my bed.. I noticed that i had obtained strange symbols or a mark on my arm in the shape of an 'x' or a triangle or lines.. I could not make it out properly, but at the first glance, it was an 'x'.... Does anyone have any possible answers as to why this may be?..

or:This morning, i astral projected. After coming back to full body awareness, i had a hot shower. I dried myself off and then laid down on my bed.. I noticed that i had obtained strange symbols or a mark on my arm in the shape of an 'x' or a triangle or lines.. I could not make it out properly, but at the first glance, it was an 'x'.... Does anyone have any possible answers as to why this may be?..

or:Just a random thought to search google with the words 'mark on skin astral projection\" and It led to this question, which I read with astonishment . To start, I have only astral Projected about 4 times in my life, 2 of which were when I was really young, Maybe 12 or so, and the other two within the last 6 months. However, about a month ago was last time I was able to successfully astral project. After this one, however, it was way more intense than anything I have ever experienced. The next day I was concinced that it was more than a dream and ended up stumbling upon a blog about astral projecting and I was fascinated. I regret getting scared and forcing myself to open my eyes because I have not been able to reach the vibration stage since the last encounter despite numerous attempts. Anyway, sorry for rambling, I'll get to the point now. About 2 or so days after my last projection I noticed a dark spot just below my left thumb, and the spot is almost a perfect geometric heart shape. The weird thing to me was that it didn't cause any discomfort of any kind, and it wasn't raised or rough or anything, It's been blowing my mind and baffling me! I was getting scared until about 3 days ago, about a month since it showed up, it started to fade and almost peel and now it's a light pink and resembles a scar as well. Crazy stuff, I want to know so much more about this.

or:I astral projected back in october of 2012 age 16 i went up to the stars and started talking to these giants 1 male 2 female they were made out of stars i was talking to the male while the two females were and when i came back i had two marks appear on my body both on my left arm (i am left handed) one on my shoulder it appered to be some kind of tri symbol in red the other was jesus christ on the cross in red too on my inner bicep he was on a beautiful cross made out of jewels and gold i was going threw a very trumatic time i was given shock therapy and multiple doses of tranquilizers none which that worked the shock therapy had little to no effect on my body just felt like viberations the tranquilisers shot into my arm was cold but did nothing my heart rate was 180 over 200 when they hook me up to the machine it would error out and couldnt find my heart rate when the doctors would check my pulse they would not be able to find for 5 minutes at a time my skin was freezing cold and all i kept talking about were the greek gods and the planets and how we need to believe in him before he shrinks and dies and the world ends because its going to mess up the balance of life. end of part 1

or:I woke up this morning after astral projecting with a marking that looks like a resemblance to the sun on my thigh. I'm currently asking people who have learned about sacred geometry what it could mean but as of now the most I have been able to to find pertaining to this unexplained, very symetrical symbol are these questions and answers. I know for a fact that there's no suspicion in my mind that I did anything to cause the symbol to appear on my skin and like many of the experiences explained on this question, the difference between this marking and a mere skin indentation is like night and day. Like I said I have no explanation for how this mark appeared on my skin but in the very middle of it is either a heart or a circle and then lines coming out of it that look like sun rays that reach to the outer circular line of the symbol. It had no pain or sign of appearing from any given pressure but the markings we're elevated as if it was put there from a pressure but absolutely 0 signs of discoloration or discomfort. It faded questionably slow and gradual so the details of the marking was clearly visible for several hours. I will come back with any answers I may find but knowing there have been others who have had these experiences is a bit relieving. If I can find out how to upload my picture of the symbol I unhestantly will.

or:@JayDeeFin,Hi, I've never had a full astral projection experience before, or not one that I have been aware off or recall but I have randomly woken up in a state of sleep paralysis and have even had realistic, and kind of terrifying dreams that have felt too real to not question or assume as projections. I signed up for this forum to see if I can get any feedback from you or anybody else on something I have been experiencing for about 2 years now. Mostly in the mornings, I have seen perfect lateral ovals on the palms of both my hands, sometimes they appear just a cm below my thumb and other times on the lower right side of my palm ( > left hand, & opposite for right). I'm kind of anxious to know what these marks are or what they mean. They appear and then fade within the hour. Most times I have been in the shower and I don't know if I don't notice until then or if the warm water helps present them more but It's been under the same circumstances most times. Yesterday, however; I experienced something far different than my normal \"ovals\"... A circular six-pointed shape appeared on the lower right side of my left palm. What caused most of my concern was the fact that this shape was so perfectly symmetrical, even the circle in the middle had a perfect round outline... It looked like a sideways hexagram, except the center was perfectly round. The thing with this was that only half the shape appeared but it was present enough to make out what it was. I have pictures on my phone that I can attach if you'd like. Please, if you can get back to me on this I would really appreciate it. Thanks

or:It is the by-product of a Itachi. Know this your anchor has been compromised. You are returning with a traveler (a Sputnik.) There is so much more to tell you but I fear I will already be punished for what I have shared. The pulse will guide you and lie to you take heed in all travel to come
