Google - If I was to trave at zero velocity relative to the universe, then would I experience time?

... infinitely fast? Im basing this as a flip side to the theory that moving close to the speed of light results in time slowing down or:... infinit

... infinitely fast? I'm basing this as a flip side to the theory that moving close to the speed of light results in time slowing down

or:... infinitely fast? I'm basing this as a flip side to the theory that moving close to the speed of light results in time slowing down

or:If you were travelling at zero relative to the universe you would simply see the universe as you see it now. Of course, where you are standing when you flip the \"make me not move\" switch would immediately move away from you at close to the speed of light but apart from that you would not experience any time dilation.To give an example, imagine a flat sheet that represents normal time, speed makes dents in that sheet, the deeper the dent the faster the speed. if you move at zero (even relative to the universe) then the sheet goes back to being flat, you do not induce a \"hill\" in the sheet, aka faster time, simply because you're moving at the slowest speed possible.
