Can I buy Uggs in US and bring them to Canada?

I want to buy Uggs in the US and bring them to Canada by car in the Nexus lane, because its much cheaper (I converted the currency and its like $130 t

I want to buy Uggs in the US and bring them to Canada by car in the Nexus lane, because it's much cheaper (I converted the currency and it's like $130 to $160 Canadian). Will I not be able to bring them over to Canada or be charged? If I'll get charged, how much? Or will it not be noticed because I'm in Nexus? Please answer, thank you.

or:I want to buy Uggs in the US and bring them to Canada by car in the Nexus lane, because it's much cheaper (I converted the currency and it's like $130 to $160 Canadian). Will I not be able to bring them over to Canada or be charged? If I'll get charged, how much? Or will it not be noticed because I'm in Nexus? Please answer, thank you.

or:I belive you can buy then in the us and bring them to canada there's nothing that says you can't I think you have to be there for 24 hours for a shoping trip to not get charged I paid 250 for mine in canada
