How many heathen Europeans were killed in the process of Christianizing Europe?

I feel it necessary to add, Im looking for a scholarly and not a liturgical answer, thanks. or:I feel it necessary to add, I'm looking for a scholarly

I feel it necessary to add, I'm looking for a scholarly and not a liturgical answer, thanks.

or:I feel it necessary to add, I'm looking for a scholarly and not a liturgical answer, thanks.

or:None. It is rather dreary to have to keep answering this question. The communists have killed over a hundred million people in the 20th century to enforce atheism in their countries, far more than all religious wars in all of history. Here are actual numbers: about the Soviets:

or:Can't post links, but google up \"How many people have been killed by Christians since Biblical times?\". First result is a dizzyingly comprehensive list with ~20 book sources, has the sort of details & rough numbers you seem to seek, with the meticulousness of an obsessive individual.Personally, I don't know for certain how much of history was fabricated or omitted over the course of time. Nevertheless, the excessive capacity for cruelty and indifference exhibited by more than a handful of humans inclines me more towards the side of statistical plausibility and disappointment than disbelief or astonishment.
