I have a 11.6 inch tablet. Games lag bad. What is a good resolution plus dpi or whatever its called?

Need help to lower resolution. Ddpi or whatever its called as well on a 11.6 inch tablet. Roblox lags bad, but if i could drop the resolution and the

Need help to lower resolution. Ddpi or whatever its called as well on a 11.6 inch tablet. Roblox lags bad, but if i could drop the resolution and the other one, dpi or ddpi, it would work. Would just like to know what res and ddpi to type in.

or:Need help to lower resolution. Ddpi or whatever its called as well on a 11.6 inch tablet. Roblox lags bad, but if i could drop the resolution and the other one, dpi or ddpi, it would work. Would just like to know what res and ddpi to type in.
