How did George Washington handle the economy? (At least 4 examples)?

I have been wondering how George Washington handled the economy. I have been searching throw the internet (especially google) to find atleast 4 exampl

I have been wondering how George Washington handled the economy. I have been searching throw the internet (especially google) to find atleast 4 examples but never came across anything.

or:I have been wondering how George Washington handled the economy. I have been searching throw the internet (especially google) to find atleast 4 examples but never came across anything.

or:The word 'economy' comes from Greek oikonomia which means a household. The English word means management, as in the class \"home economy\". Since management always involves pinching pennies, the word comes to mean frugality and financial decisions. Suppose you buy a pencil. Which one? Do you get a certain color, or a certain shape, or a certain brand, or just grab the one nearest the checkout line? All such decisions in a defined area make up the economy of that area, measured in the local money for convenience. Of course that means you need people to report their activities. AFAIK the USA had no coins of its own until 1795 and no reporting system for a very long time after that. So there is considerable doubt that G.W. had any awareness at all about \"the economy\". Anybody who thinks otherwise would have to quote historical facts to support such a position.
