Why do vegans not use wool or dairy products?

I find myself curious about this. I do understand the desire to avoid things such as leather or eggs, as it results in the death of an animal. However

I find myself curious about this. I do understand the desire to avoid things such as leather or eggs, as it results in the death of an animal. However, what are the reasons (minus rare allergies) as to why vegans do not use wool or dairy products? These items don't result in any harm or injury to an animal, and are the result of natural processes.

or:I find myself curious about this. I do understand the desire to avoid things such as leather or eggs, as it results in the death of an animal. However, what are the reasons (minus rare allergies) as to why vegans do not use wool or dairy products? These items don't result in any harm or injury to an animal, and are the result of natural processes.

or:The concept is goofy from the start. For instance, an egg is not a chicken. Hens lay eggs without a rooster around, so they are lifeless. Second, any animal with incisor teeth must eat animal products to stay alive. The bible says \"kill and eat\

or:Vegans do not participate and support in anything that involves the exploitation of the vulnerable i.e animals. It does not matter that it does not hurt the animal that we get the wool from it's the fact that it's being taken and it's not ours to take. As for dairy products it does result in the harm of animals. The female cow that is being imprisoned for her life to provide milk to us that is supposed to go to her calf is being harmed in all ways. Just because she isn't being beaten (which im sure that happens) doesn't mean she ins't being harmed. Also, any time a cow is producing milk it has to be pregnant. Cows are basically raped for milk. They are involuntarily inseminated by the arm of farmers. And as for the baby that is born once the pregnancy is over, if it is a male calf it is immediately taken away and killed for veal. Anything that involves the exploitation of animals is doing harm to everyone.

or:To follow vegan and vegetarianism both are different things, as vegan needs to follow the concept of animal free products as we know that wool and dairy products are also prepared from the animal products. While vegetarianism followed people does not took the things like eggs and meat or chicken. So vegans relate to the only products that are not connected found from animal related product and also it would be organic products.
