Is religion promoting peace or differences?

or:Is religion promoting peace or differences?or:Jesus Christ himself said that those who practice true worship will worship with spirit and truth. J

or:Is religion promoting peace or differences?

or:Jesus Christ himself said that those who practice true worship will worship with spirit and truth. John 4:24. Therefore, those who are real footstep followers of Jesus Christ should be doing a work similar to what he did on earth when he told his followers to go make disciples of people. Matthew 28:19,20. They should also be identified by the love they have for one another no matter what race, color or background. John 13:34. Also the true religion promotes peace by sticking close to the bible's teachings and promises. Psalms. 37:10, 11 & 29, John 17:3, John 3:16 and Revelation 21:3 & 4 to name a few. For more comforting information on how true religion promotes peace and unity visit our website at:

or:Religion is meant to promote peace. And if we rightly interpret every scripture of every religion, the world would have peace. But followers of religion become fanatics, they believe that their religion is right and other religions are wrong. They do not realize the truth about God, they do not understand the relevance of their scriptures. And therefore, in the world today, religion has become a cause of conflict, a cause of war and battle. In reality, all the religions lead to one ultimate truth, there is one God. If all religions accept other religions, this world would have peace. But because of our ego, we think we are different from each other. We fight with each other, therefore there is no world peace. The simple solution to attain world peace is enlightenment, realizing the truth, going beyond the kindergarten of religion to the university of spirituality.
