Doggo needs help!?

My dog twisted her nail and I dont know if the nail is just twisted off or if her toe is broken, my mom wont let me get a good look at it. My dogs are

My dog twisted her nail and I don't know if the nail is just twisted off or if her toe is broken, my mom won't let me get a good look at it. My dogs aren't registered which, yes, is illegal but that means we can't take her to the vet. I honestly have no idea what my mom's doing, I'm very concerned, my dog is in so much pain she can't sleep, she won't stop crying, she keeps trying to tear her bandage off which is now firmly fastened on so she can't but that bandage is literally all we have, no disinfectant or Neosporin or anything. I'm an adult and I know how to take care of this the right way but this is my mom's dog and she won't let me touch her because she doesn't want to cause her any further pain but this woman gave the dog children's ibuprofen and I don't trust that at all, ibuprofen is not for dogs, no sir! And we do have actual numbing medicine, I don't know what it is but you just put it on your skin and it numbs anything it touches until it's washed off and if taking a nail off or putting in a makeshift splint is all we have to do it's probably good enough. So what can I do about this??

or:My dog twisted her nail and I don't know if the nail is just twisted off or if her toe is broken, my mom won't let me get a good look at it. My dogs aren't registered which, yes, is illegal but that means we can't take her to the vet. I honestly have no idea what my mom's doing, I'm very concerned, my dog is in so much pain she can't sleep, she won't stop crying, she keeps trying to tear her bandage off which is now firmly fastened on so she can't but that bandage is literally all we have, no disinfectant or Neosporin or anything. I'm an adult and I know how to take care of this the right way but this is my mom's dog and she won't let me touch her because she doesn't want to cause her any further pain but this woman gave the dog children's ibuprofen and I don't trust that at all, ibuprofen is not for dogs, no sir! And we do have actual numbing medicine, I don't know what it is but you just put it on your skin and it numbs anything it touches until it's washed off and if taking a nail off or putting in a makeshift splint is all we have to do it's probably good enough. So what can I do about this??

or:Honestly tell your mom let me help or that dog is going to be in pain and it will get infect she might lose her foot or die. It's a serious matter. I would be very up front to her.
