What is the step-by-step process when doing an evocation of a spirit?

Ive tried a plethora of methods, but I have had no success. I feel as though I am doing something wrong. Please help! or:I've tried a plethora of meth

I've tried a plethora of methods, but I have had no success. I feel as though I am doing something wrong. Please help!

or:I've tried a plethora of methods, but I have had no success. I feel as though I am doing something wrong. Please help!

or:you desire to know something. I need something. your age times 6 3/4 years.first you are safe. These are your own entities.As you sleep with eyes closed but find yourself awake then \"this is\"all intent is then turned off.listenDo not repeat that to another not even me.These are friends of a kind you do or may not recognize. I have gathered mine from across this world and even those who figured heaven was in outer space.I look the 97 but 94 are missing. A number is a nothing. no thing.Identification occurs.Then find a way to speak with me if the need requires this.
