Why is it our technology is so sophisticated but every culture is morally inept?

Political debate has little basis in morality, emotional charged, inconsistent and happiy contain every variety of logical fallacy. We go to war, mak

Political debate has little basis in morality, emotional charged, inconsistent and happiy contain every variety of logical fallacy. We go to war, make laws and run economies in willful defiance of natural law or an understanding of human nature. It seems the lowest, bassist animal brains determine the shape of our lives whilst using advanced scientific applications to empower our madness.

or:Political debate has little basis in morality, emotional charged, inconsistent and happiy contain every variety of logical fallacy. We go to war, make laws and run economies in willful defiance of natural law or an understanding of human nature. It seems the lowest, bassist animal brains determine the shape of our lives whilst using advanced scientific applications to empower our madness.

or:You need to split this into several questions to get a proper answer to each point. When two or more people live in the same area they have to adopt some rules about who does what to whom. Any such rule is called a more, pronounced \"mor-ay\". The adjective form is moral, and the habit of following mores is morality. Mores do not have to be right, only accepted. Another group on the other side of the river might have very different mores. Mores have no particular relation to ethics or legalities, except that legalities might change frequently and mores don't.
