How can I reduce my weight?

or:How can I reduce my weight?or:Exercise daily, eat healthy foods, get a lot of sleep and reduce the amount of time you spend on electronics.or:Lots

or:How can I reduce my weight?

or:Exercise daily, eat healthy foods, get a lot of sleep and reduce the amount of time you spend on electronics.

or:Lots of people ask that question. In order to get in shape, you need to exercise. On day 1, you can run around the block. On day 2, you can run around the block twice. On day 3, you can run around the block 3 times. Little by little, you will start losing body fat. I'm no doctor, but you have to eat healthy to loose weight. Eat at least a serving of veggies a day.

or:Eat less Exercise more, and make sure you get some water a of couple times a day. Most people don't realize that's all they have to do. In some cases you would need to see a Dietitian if you are Diabetic or if you are Hypoglycemic ect. Personally, I don't eat frozen foods very often anymore, And I have fast food even less often than that. I also quit certain sweets like chocolate (I let myself have some on occasion though like during Christmas time and New Years ect.) A lot of people don't realize how easy it is to loose weight once you get started. The hardest part is during the first few weeks, But if you keep at you will loose weight with these simple guide lines. You don't need Diet Pills or special diet plans like the South Beach Diet which costs about $300 a month per person, plus the food doesn't taste as good as they say it does.

or:Regular exercise is most important for fast weight loss. Eat fiber and protein rich foods they have low in calories and high in energy. Raw foods are very good for weight loss and your health. Eat 3 hour before going to bed and take 10 minutes walk after each meal. Less carb after 4pm, avoid oily and junk foods.

or:would you like to hear the solution to your problem? A No BS solution..? Listen up.Step 1Figure out what your caloric maintenance level is. This is the level where you don't lose weight nor will you gain weight. You need to be below this number to LOSE weight.Step 2Log your caloric intake. Keep track of the foods and drinks your taking in. This will determine what you caloric intake is. Make sure it's below maintenance level. It doesn't really matter what you eat, as long as you stay below this number. I would suggest healthy foods of course, for overall health benefits.Step 3Turn your body in a fat burning machine by working out. All this additional burned calories will result in burning PURE FAT as long as you're below your caloric maintenance level.That's is, whether you like it or not. This i the way it is and it's the basically the ONLY fundamentals of burning fat. take it or leave it.I talk about these kind of stuff on my blog so you may wanna check it out for more in depth info. My blog is: hey, you can do whatever...
