Changed my account. How will my friends find me I have a new name?

or:Changed my account. How will my friends find me I have a new name?or:They'll never find you. Once you change your account you change your whole e

or:Changed my account. How will my friends find me I have a new name?

or:They'll never find you. Once you change your account you change your whole existence. Life will never be the same. People you've always known will pass you in the street without the slightest glimmer of recognition. Your parents will forget you exist.You will be alone in the world forever more. You can try to make new friends but we all know, the sequel is never as good as the original. Soon you'll resent your new friends because they are just NOT your old ones. They'll come to realise that they are not enough for you and they will also come to resent you.Nothing you ever do in this new life will be good enough.My advice to you would be to go back to using your old account or forever suffer the consequences.
