Creepy email - What should I do?

Ok so I got an email a couple of days ago at like 7:44 in the morning and it says that its from Sarah, so Im thinking Sarah who? And when I looked at

Ok so I got an email a couple of days ago at like 7:44 in the morning and it says that it's from Sarah, so I'm thinking Sarah who? And when I looked at the email adress it's for a Has anyone heard of this? And then the subject was "Is this (my email name without the @... part)?" And the message was "this is your neighbor". I know it's probably nothing to worry about but it just really creeped me out and I don't know what to do. It also scares me more because I walk home from school alone... Should I just ignore it?

or:Ok so I got an email a couple of days ago at like 7:44 in the morning and it says that it's from Sarah, so I'm thinking Sarah who? And when I looked at the email adress it's for a Has anyone heard of this? And then the subject was \"Is this (my email name without the @... part)?\" And the message was \"this is your neighbor\". I know it's probably nothing to worry about but it just really creeped me out and I don't know what to do. It also scares me more because I walk home from school alone... Should I just ignore it?

or:Hello there I also received this email.donot reply back it is a way so that they can use your email in a method called spoofing. Just delete it from now on. Good luck.

or:I also saw this in my spam folder.

or:I got the same email a couple of days ago. Its a scam. they want you to reply so they know its an active email then they will send you spam emails from other sites. Don\u00b4t think anything of it

or:Don't listen to the others! You can't just ignore Sarah! She went out of her way at 7:40 in the morning to ask you if your email address was your name! You'd be a s****y neighbor!

or:Just ignore it. I never answer or pay attention to emails from people I haven't added personally.

or:Ignore it, Don't reply. Also.. It's creepy because my neighbors name is Sarah. But still, Do not reply. I was dumb when I replied to one, I got spammed.
