What to know about the state of Texas?

Geographicaly or:Geographicalyor:The first thing you need to know is that Texas is bigger than most countries. So you need to narrow your question to



or:The first thing you need to know is that Texas is bigger than most countries. So you need to narrow your question to something that has a readable answer in a few paragraphs or a single book. Then you can go to the various online repositories to get information. Everybody uses google.com so you may as well use it too, just so everybody doesn't poke fun at you. You can search for \"google advanced\" to see what else it can do for you. For instance you can search a specific web site; you can search for a specific filetype. You can use images.google.com to search for a picture that looks like one you have. Then there is video.google.com which indexes much more than just youtube.100 search engines: www.distancedegrees.com/2008/lose-your-wikipedia-crutch-100-places-to-go-for-good-answers-online/Google tricks: www.johntedesco.net/blog/2012/06/21/how-to-solve-impossible-problems-daniel-russells-awesome-google-search-techniques/Google advanced: mentalfloss.com/article/66425/how-get-most-out-your-google-searches

or:It's hot humid and red-neck. I have no desire to go there.To click on the links remove the space after the //https://www.thoughtco.com/geography-of-texas-1435743https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography_of_Texas
