So; I don't know the title of this book?

though i have no clue the title or author, i know that the first paragraph of the book says something along the lines of "i love breaking hearts thoug

though i have no clue the title or author, i know that the first paragraph of the book says something along the lines of "i love breaking hearts though i know it is wrong." i have no other complete information; please help.

or:though i have no clue the title or author, i know that the first paragraph of the book says something along the lines of \"i love breaking hearts though i know it is wrong.\" i have no other complete information; please help.

or:Diary of an Oxygen Thief?The first paragraph is: \"I like hurting Girls.Mentally, not physically, I never hit a girl in my life. Well once. But that was by mistake. I'll tell you about it later. The thing is, I really got off on it. I really enjoyed it.\"
