Will once upon a time in wonderland be on dvd?

I really love once upon a time and omce upon a time in wonderland and I was wondering. If once upon atime in wonderland will be coming to dvd or if an

I really love once upon a time and omce upon a time in wonderland and I was wondering. If once upon atime in wonderland will be coming to dvd or if an one knows where I may buy it ???

or:I really love once upon a time and omce upon a time in wonderland and I was wondering. If once upon atime in wonderland will be coming to dvd or if an one knows where I may buy it ???

or:i'm sure when it comes to dvd you might be able to get it either by overstock columbia house or amazon it would get you a good price once it comes to dvd or mabe its already out

or:I guess there won't be any DVD release for once upon a time in wonderland. If there had been a DVD, it would have been released already.

or:I guess there won't be any DVD release for once upon a time in wonderland. If there had been a DVD, it would have been released already.
